Today was the Fort Worth Bulldog Meetup downtown near the Fort Worth Zoo. We've been going to this "play date" for the girls for about 2 years off and on now. Moe just loves going, this was IDK's first time to go and WOW she was absolutely crazy about it. She thought that everyone there was her new best friend! haha. She's such a riot to watch her try to play with all the other dogs and make them play with her. Due to the heat today, there was a smaller turn out than normal. But we faced the sun and went out anyway. Glad we did, it's been a while since we've taken the girls on a day out, and they deserved one! Can't wait til next month!!!
IDK playing with Bullet, she loved him, she wouldn't leave him alone
Moe getting some lovin'
And the tug of war begins...Moe was the winner!!!
IDK still bothering Bullet, she was worse than a bratty little sister
OMG- that Bullet is a MONSTER!!! He looks so scary! Your babies are so sweet! Can't wait to see y'all at the partay!!!
haha looks like you guys had a great weekend!
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