We've been having the craziest weather! We have had below freezing temperatures since Monday night. So Beau and I have been holed up in the house since then and have been doing our best to stay warm! Kolby had to work Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and today was the first day that we got to spend together. Today was the first day that it wasn't in the teens and twenties, and so we were able to take Beau out in it!!! I was so excited about this being Beau's first snow!
He was asleep for the first little bit!
Isn't this the saddest little picture you've ever seen!?! He was in the process of waking up... Mommy and me
Our little family
I thought this picture was better unitl I saw that Beau's hat had gotten pulled down over his poor little eyes!!! Parents of the Year right here!
Our pretty front yard
Daddy and Beau
I love my little family!
Nana and Beau (this was about the third take, the others all looked like the picture below!)
My snow angel
Our casa
Moe Moe loves the snow
So does Miss IDK
1 comment:
Love all the snow pics...I cant believe how time is going so fast 2month wow!!! That makes me kinda sad to see how fast time goes...
I got a letter today from one of friends its like a Childrens book chain letter thing...Guess you mail 1 book and send out 6 letters then are supposed to get 36books...I buy books off of amazon you can get used ones really good prices and they are like new quality...I got a 12 dollar book for 3 bucks plus 3.99 shipping..Great deals...Anyways I thought of you since you are a new mommie could maybe use some books for little man...If you want me to send you a letter you can email me your address if not no biggie:) My email is kklendworth@yahoo.com
Hope everything else is going great with you...Im a bit anxious/frustrated with my Dr. I found out today at the hospital where we are delivering at that the require you to be off of your Lovenox min of 24hrs but really like 48hrs...same with c-section...I was told this by my high risk Dr. today because he couldnt believe my regular OB hasent set up an induction date for me...I told him I have talked to my Dr. 3x about this and how concerned I was because I want an epidural or if I had to have c-section I want to be awake....So I called my regular Dr. after this appt and his nurse said they cant induce until after 39wks without a good reason...So me being on blood thinners and having a heart issue isnt a good enough reason to induce? I have seen people get induced for convience let alone an actual medical issue...I just want a semi controlled delivery and wouldnt mind doing things when they happen if I didnt have other issues but I do...I worry if I cant have an epidural that being in that much pain will further increase my heart during labor let alone the stress of having the baby...Basically the high risk said if you do go into labor on your own you will be outta luck...Not want I wanted to hear...But to me to wait to induce me when Im 39wks is to late being that I am already 1cm/50% effaced when I was 36wks...but Im no Dr.....My regular OB's nurse did say that Dr. says you will know when you are in labor and just not to take your shot...24hrs before Im going to know when Im in labor really? I asked the nurse if she had kids...and she answered yes...Did you know 24hrs prior to their birth when they would be born? Her answer: No...Hmmmm. Anyways I have and appt on Monday and me and my OB are def going to have words because this whole idea of going naturally/being knocked out for c-section has me freaked out can you tell:)
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