Sunday, January 24, 2010

NYE!!! and the Gilleland Reunion!

We spent New Year's Eve in Kyle with Kyle and his family, Penny, and Billie, Bill, Nick and the kids. We had a good time with everyone playing some Catch Phrase, that game always gets rowdy!!! Enjoy the pictures!

Kolby with our neice Jewels!!

Ringing in the New Year!!!!

Jacquelyn, Jewels, and Kyle

Pretty, happy little girl!

Grandma and the 5 sisters

Penny with her kiddos

Jewels with her cousin Kynslee

They had ice skating in the main square, this was the best photo I got of Kolby and I skating. We were awesome to say the least...haha

This next sequence of pictures is strictly for yall's veiwing pleasure!!! Kolby thought he was the master camera man cause he got it on film!

Fun shopping around Fredricksberg!!!

I feel pretty, oh, so pretty!

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