I had my monthly appointment at the Maternal Fetal Specialist yesterday, and we got to take another peak at our little man! I just love when we get to see him!!! Oh my goodness, it's been 4 weeks since we have gotten to see him, and he has grown so much!!! I can't believe how big he looked! He's definitely starting to fatten up!
My belly laying on the table!!
They gave us another picture of his boy part! LOLThat's a shot looking up from his bottom, we are to the point where his testicles have now descended from the abdomen.

He had gained 1lb 2oz since our last appointment, putting him in at a whopping 2lb 8oz! Kolby guessed the weight dead on...I was 1oz too heavy...dang! LOL! We also learned that he is measuring almost 3 weeks ahead. I was gestationally 27 weeks 2 days, and he was measuring at 30 weeks exactly. The Dr. assured me that this is nothing to worry about, that he is just a big boy! Maybe we caught him at the end of a growth spurt or something...I don't know! But I'm going to do my best not to worry about it, as the Dr. knows more than I do, and if he's not worried, then I'm not going to be either! The specialist does want me to start going to my OB every other week this month and he wanted to see me every other week, and to have them set up to alternate. So I will now be seen every week from here on out, I think!
Kolby wasn't able to come with me because of work, so one of my best friends, Laura, came with me to see her "nephew" Mr. Beau! It was a nice little girls afternoon! Thanks for coming, Laura!
I can't believe that we only have about 10 1/2 more weeks until he is here, yikes! We are in the home stretch!!! Exciting and nerve-racking all at the same time!!! I have so much to do in the next 2 1/2 months, my schedule is just crazy. Between Dr. appointments, now every week, work (ugh), 4 different baby showers, hospital classes, finishing up the nursery, and throw in celebrating the holidays...I'm going to be jam-packed!!! Poor Kolby gets to get out of most of this, as his work schedule is so unpredictable. He gets out of lots of the day to day stuff I gotta do, and just gets the big things, like holidays, and the fun...that is if he's not working, he misses lots of the fun because he's working, too!! He's working hard to make the money, and I'm working hard to spend it (on the baby, of course!)...it works well for our relationship, LOL! So, needless to say, let's hope that I continue to feel as good as I have been!