Just dropping by with a quick note to say that I passed my Glucose Test!!!! I don't have Gestational Diabetes! Woohoo!!!! I also got the results back for my other bloodwork...The specialist wanted to get B/W ran to test all genetic markers for clotting disorders, so that we know that I am clear.
There are nine markers and I had been tested previously for 6 of them. I got the results back for the other remaining 3 tests. 2 of them, Factor 5 and Factor 2, came back normal, but I did show 1 mutation on the MTHFR test. The nurse said that usually this doesn't mean anything, but that the Dr. will order an additional test called a Fasting Homocystine test (or something like that!). If that test comes back elevated, then it could mean that I have the MTHFR gene and a possible clotting condition, but that it really doesn't affect you in day to day activities. It's just a informative thing to know for any situation that could put you at a higher risk of having a blood clot (hormonal birth control, surgery, etc). I will know more once this test is done and the results come back!
Happy Thursday!
I thought you were joking at first...looks like your saying "mother f***er gene", LOL
I have MTHFR one copy but two mutations along with Factor 13...and pre them discovering this I did get a pulmonary emboli in my lung after my first In Vitro due to soring E2 levels...so I am glad Im on the Lovenox...and I also take folbic tabs which is b6 b12 and increased folic acid....Well glad things are right on track and girlie you have a lot coming up in your near future:)
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