Thursday, October 28, 2010

EB Awareness Week

I know that I am a little late getting this up this week, but I am so scatter brained! I have been following some blogs of folks with this devastating skin condition for some time now, and I felt that I should do my part to help spread awareness! These children are such joyous additions to this world, and they fight everyday to live. Please visit their blogs to learn more!



1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi Laura: I am new to your blog. I saw your EB awareness link and wanted to thank you for helping to spread EB awareness.
We lost our precious Leah JEB on Dec 31st of last year. We had never heard of EB but boy oh boy we sure are experts now. I follow Jonah, and Tripp too plus so many other EB children. These children are so so special and they all have such a sweet spirit about them.
Thanks again and Congrats on the baby boy due in Dec. Maybe a Christmas baby huh??? Take care. Love Leah's Nana